Yale University - Psychology 131 - Human Emotion
Dr. June Gruber - Yale Psychology - Research Methods in Happiness - Psych 231


Experts in Emotion (EIE) Series

Dr. June Gruber, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder (created at Yale University)

The EIE Series provides a unique opportunity to explore the mysteries of human emotion guided by some of the world's foremost experts on the subject, ranging from distinguished academics to leading figures behind social media services like Facebook. In addition to tackling central questions such as what emotions are, why we have them, and how our understanding of them can lead to happier and healthier lives. You'll also hear first-hand about what first led these key players to study emotion and what they see as the most exciting frontiers ahead.

The Expert in Emotion Interview series is part of a broader educational mission to share the study of human emotion beyond the walls of the classroom, to reach students and teachers alike, both locally and globally, through the use of technology. 

Full list of experts, topics, and video links below




June Gruber, CU Boulder

[watch video]

Lisa Feldman Barrett, Northeastern University

What is an emotion?
[watch video]

John Allen, University of Arizona

Emotion elicitation I
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Greg Siegle, University of Pittsburgh

Emotion elicitation II
[watch video]

Iris Mauss, U.C. Berkeley

Measuring emotion
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Laurie Santos, Yale University

Do animals feel and think like us?
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Lisa Parr, Emory University

Emotion expression & recognition in chimpanzees
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Jaak Panksepp, Washington State University

Animal models of human brains
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Leda Cosmides, & John Tooby, U.C. Santa Barbara

Evolution and emotion
[watch video]

Paul Ekman, U.C. San Francisco

Universality of emotion
[watch video]

Yulia Chentsova Dutton, George Washington University

Social constructivism
[watch video]

Jeanne Tsai, Stanford University

Culture and emotion
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Marianne La France, Yale University

Emotion and gender
[watch video]

Michael Bailey, Northwestern University

Sex and emotion
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Jo-Anne Bachorowski, Vanderbilt University

[watch video]

Jonathan Rottenberg, University of South Florida

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Matthew Hertenstein, DePauw University

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John Cacioppo, University of Chicago

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Wendy Berry Mendes, U.C. San Francisco

Psychophysiology measurement and health
[watch video]

Robert Levenson, U.C. Berkeley

Psychophysiology and emotion
[watch video]

Richard Davidson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Affective neuroscience
[watch video]

Kent Berridge, University of Michigan

Pleasure and reward in the brain
[watch video]

Tor Wager, University of Colorado, Boulder

Emotion and the brain
[watch video]

Jessica Tracy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Self-conscious emotions
[watch video]

Dacher Keltner, U.C. Berkeley

[watch video]

Naomi Eisenberger, U.C. Los Angeles

Social pain and pleasure
[watch video]

June Tangney, George Mason University

Guilt and shame
[watch video]

David Rand, Yale University

Emotion and cooperation
[watch video]

David DeSteno, Northeastern University

Emotions and social interaction
[watch video]

Margaret Clark, Yale University

Emotion and relationships
[watch video]

 Jonathan Haidt, New York University

Morality and emotion
[watch video]

David Pizarro, Cornell University

Morality and disgust
[watch video]

Jamil Zaki, Stanford University

[watch video]

Steven Pinker, Harvard University

Violence and emotion
[watch video]

Gerald Clore, University of Virginia

Emotion and cognition
[watch video]

Derek Isaacowitz, Northeastern University

Attention and emotion
[watch video]

John Bargh, Yale University

Unconscious emotion
[watch video]

Jennifer Lerner, Harvard University

Emotion and judgment
[watch video]

Brian Knutson, Stanford University

Neuroeconomics and emotion
[watch video]

Michael Norton, Harvard University

Consumerism and emotion
[watch video]

 James Gross, Stanford University

Emotion regulation
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Kevin Ochsner, Columbia University

Emotion regulation and the brain
[watch video]

James Coan, University of Virginia

Social regulation of emotion
[watch video]

Joseph Campos, U.C. Berkeley

Emotion development in infancy
[watch video]

Jerome Kagan, Harvard University

[watch video]

Leah Somerville, Harvard University

Emotions in adolescence
[watch video]

Nancy Eisenberg, Arizona State University

Emotion regulation in children
[watch video]

Laura Carstensen, Stanford University

Emotion and aging
[watch video]

Ronald Dahl, M.D., U.C. Berkeley

Emotion and sleep
[watch video]

Judith Moskowitz, U.C. San Francisco

Emotion and physical health
[watch video]

Pranjal Mehta, University of Oregon

Emotion and hormones
[watch video]

Douglas Mennin, CUNY-Hunter College

Anxiety and emotion
[watch video]

Jutta Joormann, Northwestern University

Depression and emotion in adults
[watch video]

Ian Gotlib, Stanford University

Depression and emotion in adolescents
[watch video]

Sheri Johnson, U.C. Berkeley

Bipolar disorder and emotion
[watch video]

Ann Kring, U.C. Berkeley

Schizophrenia and emotion
[watch video]

David Watson, University of Notre Dame

Personality and emotion
[watch video]

George Bonanno, Columbia University

Emotion and resilience
[watch video]

Hedy Kober, Yale University

Craving and mindfulness
[watch video]

Roy Baumeister, Florida State University

Self-regulation and emotion
[watch video]

Barbara Fredrickson, UNC, Chapel Hill

Positive emotion
[watch video]

Daniel Gilbert, Harvard University

[watch video]

Maya Tamir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dark side of positive emotion
[watch video]

Arturo Bejar, Engineering Director, Facebook

Emotion and Social media
[watch video]